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Why good cooperation is in the interest of patients

Post by 
Dr. Mohamed Salama
June 28, 2023

re there any profesional  differences in terms of the strength and Frequency  of envy?

Dr. Salama: The Italian philosopher Signor Ferriani published an article on beruflichen envy in the British Medical Journal. Architects are at the bottom of the ranking of professions exposed to jealousy and envy. Further up the ranking are professors of science and literature, journalists, book authors, but primarily doctors and actors. The author notes that physicians have a pronounced tendency toward beruflich envy, which is closely linked to their personal emotions and leads to intense conflicts between professional colleagues. Ferriani observes a strong personal rivalry between physicians that has unfortunate consequences, is often degrading, and also does not fit the noble profession of medicine.

When does envy occur and are there categories of envy?

Dr. Salama: Envy usually occurs when there is negative information about oneself associated with frustration and its relevance to personal self-definition, as well as similarities with another person. Three types of envy can be distinguished: surgical envy, hierarchical envy, and patient-related envy.

Is surgical envy a special case?

Dr. Salama: Surgical envy refers to the therapeutic successes of colleagues, especially surgical successes or the way colleagues diagnose and effectively treat difficult medical cases. We empfin envy toward those who achieve excellence in the same specialty. This happens because self-evaluation is threatened by another person's performance. In surgical clinics there is beruflicher competition accompanied by a strong desire for self-affirmation, which in principle would be conducive to beruflichen progress. However, when dishonest feelings of beruflich envy and malicious self-importance arise, endless interpersonal and intergroup conflicts can result. Beruflich envy among physicians severely impairs social interaction and interpersonal relationships, as colleagues are always perceived as competitors and shared commitment to the well-being of the patient takes a back seat. To counteract beruflichem envy, it is important to exercise self-control and to devote oneself to the profession and the patients with dedication. In doing so, a higher ideal of life should be pursued and there should always be an awareness that physicians are practicing a noble science for the benefit of patients, so they should not act out of self-interest. Patient-related envy occurs when a physician feels beruflichen envy because a colleague has a larger patient base, which is considered an established measure of berufliche quality.

How does envy between physicians affect patients?

Dr. Salama: Envy between physicians can have a negative impact on the optimal treatment of patients. When physicians are plagued by professional envy and view their colleagues as permanent competitors, it makes collaboration and information sharing difficult. Instead of working together for the good of the patient, the focus is often on personal interests and outdoing colleagues. This can lead to teamwork being impaired and a reluctance to share knowledge and experience with each other. An atmosphere of mistrust and rivalry can develop, which can affect the quality of treatment and patient safety. Physicians should consciously address berufliche jealousy and focus on cooperative and collegial collaboration to ensure the best possible care for their patients.

Is there a mechanism of envy?
To explain the phenomenon of envy, the theory of social comparison and the theory of self-improvement must be involved in the mechanism of professional jealousy. When one person is similar to another in terms of professional attitudes, abilities, or achievements, a phenomenon of social comparison and similarity occurs. Comparison is extremely important and promotes individual and collective progress, but when accompanied by feelings of envy and frustration, professional comparison becomes destructive. Individuals in general, and physicians in particular, are sensitive to comparison with others whose similar characteristics are relevant to their defining fields. Individuals engage in various types of social comparison, such as collaboration or competition. The two theories assume that where there is competition, there is also envy, especially when individuals are similar in terms of skills and when one of them is more professionally successful than the other. In the health care sector, competition between individuals with similar skills, personal intellectual resources, and surgical talent is more intense, and the occurrence of professional envy is directly related to this competition. Comparison between physicians is motivated more by their desire to outperform their peers than by their desire to be like them.

Does professional envy affect other health professionals besides physicians?
In recent years, many nurses in the U.S. have left their permanent jobs for temporary assignments with agencies that pay higher salaries. While greed seems to be a plausible explanation for the rise in career changes, people often also have the special interest of wanting what others have.
To this end, a study was conducted using a five-step scoping review framework and a PRISMA ScR checklist. Key themes of the study were a social comparison of whether malicious envy is prevalent among nurses. In any case, envy is a powerful emotion that influences interpersonal communication and behavior in organizations. The potential benefits of using benevolent envy in a nursing context have been little explored by researchers. CONCLUSION: The findings highlight the relational nature of envy. Social comparison and envy provide insight suggesting that nurses who change jobs are not necessarily greedy. They may just be seeking the right mix of tangible and intangible rewards. this makes Implications and guide  for nursing management: greed and envy may instead motivate nurses to change jobs. Although envy and greed can produce the same outcome, they are qualitatively different. Motivation to change jobs tends to suggest that nurses want to have better control over their professional and personal lives.

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