
Venen Blog


The next step to rejuvenate the legs: Skin regeneration and fat reduction

Varicose veins are not only an aesthetic problem, but can also have profound effects on skin elasticity and fat distribution in the legs. Studies show that venous insufficiency can lead to skin changes such as inflammation, hyperpigmentation and even lipodermatosclerosis, a thickening and hardening of the skin caused by chronic vein problems. due to chronic venous problems.

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Dr. Mohamed Salama

Our journey to leg rejuvenation : Innovative Approaches in Vein Therapy

On our journey to comprehensive leg rejuvenation, we have to say goodbye to the idea that spider veins are just a cosmetic problem. Up to 80% of adults are affected by these vein problems and around 40% of the population suffer from chronic venous insufficiency. An innovative system for diagnosis and aftercare is crucial for success in the treatment of vascular problems.

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Dr. Mohamed Salama

The journey to comprehensive leg rejuvenation

In a four-part series, Dr. Mohamed Salama explores leg rejuvenation's facets. Integrating treatments sets new aesthetic care standards.

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Dr. Mohamed Salama

Hämorrhoiden mit dem Laser behandeln

LASER HEMORRHOID PLASTICS is an effective and less invasive option for the treatment of haemorrhoids.

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Dr. Mohamed Salama

Questionnaires improve patient care and treatment outcomes

THE USE OF QUESTIONNAIRES in medicine contributes significantly to improving patient care and optimising treatment outcomes.

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Dr. Mohamed Salama

Innovation makes it possible: A new era in the treatment of superficial veins.

Cryotherapy, once in dermatology and pain therapy, now transforms phlebology. Combining with lasers and sclerotherapy, it innovates superficial vein treatment, offering many benefits.

Posted by
Dr. Mohamed Salama

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